Friday, February 13, 2009



  1. oh man, this totally cracks me up! how long did you have to wait to catch this or did it just appear before you? and great composition (of course!) to go with the subtle humor. thanks so much for sharing! love seeing your work again.

  2. I saw this stick poking out behind a pole in Park St. it made me instantly think of your image.. I'm almost wondering if it was the same person.

  3. Slightly different direction, ay? No immediate response to the human subject, back to shooting color, and a very desolate environment. Not as striking at first glance as many others are, but the subtlety is key and is done very nicely. A lot more in this nature could certainly help boost the context of this too.You have a keen eye.

    Do you find that you want to move further into this direction? Hidden figures whose identities are revealed only through their belongings/necessities? Or will you continue more in the manner of your black and whites?

  4. John, after looking more that this image.. I think you can achieve those subtleties in a stronger way for the image. Something bothers me about the flatness of this.. in a way I'm expecting someone or something to be there.. but noone is.. which is not bad! BUT I think you could achieve this in a way that is more obvious.. I think that if you didn't tell me about that pole I'd probably move on to another image. I don't know, think about it.. How can you portray isolation while still creating a very interesting composition and picture frame?
