Here are some images from my thesis thus far. They are some of my favorite from my whole take but, I know that they are not showing what I want to show in their entirety. I am still working on refining my idea but this is my work from over the summer, what I like to call research with my camera.
I agree with what you said with these photographs as well, my favorite is the middle one i think its the lighting and framing of whats going on outside that does it for me. These all are really great action shots to me that would be helping hands to more solid and still photographs. I think this couch surfing project will be really interesting, its such a great way to meet people from different countries and convenient that they can just come and stay with you
ReplyDeletemmmk...give me more. it sounds interesting. it looks interesting. but what are you up to? people staying with you only? or are you surfing too? are you going out with them as they explore the area? tell me more! :)
ReplyDeletePeople are staying with me and my thesis is based from my couch. I am also going to surfing. They go out with me, I show them around. But What I am most focused on tight now is the couch it self. I want to know what is going on in my surfers heads. What are they thinking about before their arrival? Do they snoop around my apartment when I am not in the room? Are they sleeping well? Do they encounter any awkward moments? I have been taking portraits and doing audio interviews which I am now piecing together into a multi media format. right now I have a lot of pieces to a puzzle in my head and I am trying to fit them together.
ReplyDeletemiddle image, by far, takes the cake. the images as a whole doesn't really feel like research on one particular issue or development (the couch surfing), but rather an outlook on the moments of travel-which may be the case, but i would not have presumed that these people stay with you and visa versa. the center image though, for its aesthetics, has a lot of layers and invites a story, whether there is one with it or what i make up. lets see more!