my next grouping of paintings is going to involve this series of pictures taken of fortune tellers. Since the downfall of our economy people are looking more into fortune tellers to give them confidence as to wether or not they will have financial success in their new business or if they will loose their job. These images are take from the NY times video news further expanding the series of images received from sources in which we obtain our information of the world. The critique of communication this time goes further than the news images distortion and into the mode of receiving information through other peoples supernatural talents. Belief, hope, fright, and ridiculousness. I think the source images are pretty funny though.. here are four of my favorites.

ps- certain individuals are being poopy about commenting/posting coughcough
erin, i love the concept. the pix are pretty great. can't wait to see your interpretations in paint.
ReplyDeleteI think that the idea and concept behind your new body of work is awesome, and very fitting for the times. With that said, I don't know if you are aware; the images that you are using as references from the New York Times, are copy rited, as a student you do not have to get verified to appropriate imagery however, the second you graduate, this body of work will become un-show-able and un-sellable. So, I dont know how big of a project this will become for you but, if you are aiming for it to be a big one I would A- get images that are not copy rited or B- take the photos yourself. I only warn you of this factor because I have been researching this topic because of the piece I am working on for DJ Spooky. I know you may not think you will be using these paintings say... a year and a half from now, but, what if you want to?
On that note, I cant wait to see some work!
good call on the copyright. didn't even think about that. mixed feelings on the whole issue, in general. i get it from the photographer's perspective, and yet...not really. i feel like this stuff could be handled differently/so much better. erin, i hope you come up with a solution that works for you.
ReplyDeleteI understand the copyright of the image but conceptually it wouldn't make sense to take my own images in the situation. I am making drawings based off of images that I have taken then distorted through the xerox machine. But these paintings display a concern i have with mass medias use and misuse of images to relay information to viewers who will never have a direct experience with what is being represented. And you could argue that since I am painting the images and not using the screen shots as my final piece that they are not the original image at all, would that still be a violation of copyright? I don't know. But I think the idea that a copyright violation could occur is actually a good thing. Making a whole body of work that can not be legally shown.. thats an idea.
ReplyDeletebut anyway I want to hear what you guys have to say about the concept...
copyright, schmopyright:) as you know, i'm not fond of that term. as erin addressed, viva la concept!
ReplyDeleteas for the images, i think they're interesting. a little playful and intially unclear on what is happening, but it's good you're drawing and working with them on paper to lessen their intensity or possible directions to an already universal medium of paper. I also think that if you really want to make this concept your's or narrow it down, find something that is relayed in the media that really matters to you than just any information that is chosen primarily upon the imagery. the concept is less important if it becomes solely on what is found. and, would there be any inclusion of text?
ReplyDeletethats it on the copyright thing. And as artist's I think you should be deeply concerned with the term, I mean what if someone was taking your work?
I think that if you distort an image enough to the point that it becomes your own, more then I'd say and 70% change then, go for it. I think the concept is good given our countries current economic status. And the silliness about the fact that people are seeking mythics to find comfort and relief is funny. Go for it, be careful with the copyright thing, I just have been spending a lot of time learning about it, they teach that here because with the internet these days it has become so easy to steal peoples work and call it your own.
I wouldn't say I'm stealing their work and calling it my own at all though. I am taking two single frames from the video, completely recontextualizing them, repainting (which can never be exactly like the image anyway), and embedding a different concept and the two painting I will do are going to be accompanied by a sound piece. I'm not going to worry about it now, esp since I'm in school.. right now I'm just trying to figure out what my interests are.