These are two color images that I finally managed to scan. Hence the title of the post, they are both of children, which I find peculiar compared to the men that usually fill my frame. Recently, I want to focus the color work on looking through windows I pass by, primarily store scenes and laundry mat colors, and going into shopping malls or indoor arenas. I'm also keeping with black and white and seeing how spontaneous it can go :) Let me know your thoughts.
Quite nice scans indeed...
ReplyDeleteI really like these two photographs.
There's so much going on in the first one, it's so busy. The mind searches for order, and there it is, a childs head in silhouette, bowed. Peace of mind. Oblivious to the the world around him.
In the one below it, a similar theme. Isolation, oblivion, ignorance, all in the best ways possible, the wonderful world of a child. She is frozen, what is she thinking? It seems she has no cares, no worrys of what's going on, lost in thought.
We are taken to their worlds.
totally did not see the child in the window until john pointed that out!
ReplyDeletenot sure if its just the scans or whether your prints look the same, but the color is spot on! really rich. very beautiful!
interesting about the shift in subject matter. is this a direction you want to pursue further or a diversion?
love the idea of looking in windows...that time-old practice of looking within and without at the same time. you're in an interesting town with lots of window scenes. should provide ample opportunities! sounds great in color, too.
can't wait to see more!
I find it interesting that you have captured these two little kids because it IS so different than your normal subject matter. But I have to ask, what are these kids doing for you? I think something its giving you is this somewhat fleeting feeling, these children are forever morphing into the human bodies they will become and you captured them in a youth they'll never see again. But maybe you can find that without children, how can you show the fleeting nature of life.. I think you'd be interested in this and good at it. How do you show human nature being constantly thrown in the future, how do you show the nature of our emotions one moment of happiness that dulls within seconds. I think you are good at capturing the heavy reality of things. Maybe a theme shouldn't be so concretely "window scenes" because i see you already getting bored with such strict rules. And I still want you to do what your teacher told you to ;)
ReplyDeleteI am always battling with myself to set rules and make up a specific project, but i often get stressed out and dont ever get what I want. I feel like as you progress in your work you start to understand your own work flow and the way things come to you. For me I have to just start taking photographs and then analyze them later. These two images relate because of the content of children, but compositionally theyre totally different. Shooting windows will give you a layered feeling like the top one (which is awesome) There is alot going on color wise and you have to search through this image to really understand it. The second one is very geometric with subtle details, personally i like the top one, its a little confusing but im drawn to those colors more. If you want to try to focus on a specific project more power to you, but dont let that overwhelm you and set you back. Do what you are drawn to the most right now and i feel like a theme will come from that.