Friday, January 30, 2009
The Silhouette

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wanted to show you guys my studio

Tricia mentioned she thought it would be cool to see my new painting in the many stages that paintings will go through.. this my dears is stage one I already painted more but I'll take a picture again tomorrow after I paint 9-5.
And on to my lovely studio:

Inspiration wall, note the super anal organization folders I made the other day :)

And lastly, this is the painting that I posted earlier. I worked on it longer and this picture shows the full painting (40" x 46"). I submitted it to the annual student exhibition today so cross my fingers to get in.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Media Storm
ok, I'm so late to jump on this band wagon, but the site www.mediastorm.org is really really good. I suggest you guys check it out, it's all documentaries, they are awesome, very well done. I tried to post one of them last night but blogger wouldn't let me.... so yea check it out!
Monday, January 26, 2009
My Portfolio Review

I had my portfolio review today with photo legend..... Lucian Perkins. I'm interning under him this spring and he has been giving me reviews periodically. I learned that I really need to work on my action shots... I cant focus fast enough. He suggested that I go to children's sports games and photograph them... they let out all their emotions on the field and they move fast. I kinda wasn't up to the idea but, I think I might give it a shot... what do you guys think? I WISH I COULD JUST SHOOT PORTRAITS ALL THE TIME. But, thus proposes a challenge that I need to take on... as lame as it sounds, I really think that it could help.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
My class with DJ Spooky
Hey everyone I just had my first DJ Spooky class yesterday and I get to meet him next week (he doesn't come to every class bc of tours) but his website has this video of a lecture he gave at google on it, its kinda long maybe about 20min but you should all watch it. It is very interesting about how FILM, works and its evolution.... so yea that goes out to KATIE... and the rest of you.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The sentinal

there is something about this tree that makes me immensely happy.
source material for next painting

Just thought I would share some source material with you guys.. I've been gridding and printing this image today so I can have a larger picture to paint from. After enlarging and distorting I thought it looked pretty cool, I love working from heavily distorted images right now I feel like it gives me a little more freedom to add what I feel the painting needs and not what is in the picture. I'm pretty excited to sit down and start adding colors but not that excited to draw it all out.
I also worked on the other painting I posted more last night.. I'll take a full shot with dimensions so you guys can get a better feel for it.
ps- click on this picture so it gets really big ah! I love the dots.
pps- comment on my discussion topic I posted the other day, meanies.
I also worked on the other painting I posted more last night.. I'll take a full shot with dimensions so you guys can get a better feel for it.
ps- click on this picture so it gets really big ah! I love the dots.
pps- comment on my discussion topic I posted the other day, meanies.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

This was an older image from about a year ago. I never printed it, but I was looking at it recently on my desktop and enjoyed it. I have been shooting color this past semester, but was thinking of straying back into black and white. Once I can properly scan my colors, I will be posting them. Let me know what's on your mind.
Some wood

Technical stuff:
The bowl was created with the intention that it would hold yarn and the sticks are knitting needles. All is functional (the bowl actually has a really nice feel tucked into one's side at the waste/hip and the needles are carved to US 8 gage).
The bowl is 2 pieces of laminated mahogany and the needles are maple. All work was done with hand tools, which I really loved.
Related, technical note:
Thoughts on the documentation? I haven't really photographed my work much and want to start thinking more about ways to make the images interesting, dynamic representations of the work. How do you guys approach it? Do you spend time laying out your ideas before going in? Do you just shoot it on the fly? Do you have thoughts about best practices when doing this? Is anyone else as nerdy and obsessive about these kinds of things, as me?
Silence creeps
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
while no one was watching

will post my artist statement later this week. although, the text has already been turned if for class, i still welcome comments and constructive criticism. trying to learn how to do this thing properly (whatever that is!), i guess.
Dante Quartet
This is a film I watched today in my Super 8 class, It was really beautiful and I thought all of you would enjoy it, if you havent already seen some of his work its a film by Stan Brakhage, who is now amazing in my book! enjoy :)
two may be pushing but its an important day.
I wanted to raise a topic of discussion because I am very interested in what you guys have to say about it.
After Obama did all the b.s. of saying thanks to George Bush (yea thanks GWB!) he said this:
"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed an irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Home have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many: and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."
What I am asking YOU: What is the role of a young american artist during this time?
Is there an obligation to reflect this environment in our work? Is it possible to not?
What is an artists role in a time of crisis?
hi, I'm not a photographer guys. But I am one of the six.
A painting of mine. Half a painting of mine. There is a bottom part but I'm not quite finished.
I was immediately inspired by my dundundun B&W Photo class. This painting takes on a kind of "shooting" in my head. I'm working from images that I draw from random pictures which I then photo copy to add contrast, zoom, and distort. The distortion that is created in the copy machine is so vital to my work right now, being able to turn the switch on and off to reality and imagined images I am hoping will create a feeling of flux. The interactions we have with those around us, the awkward tensions, and the moments of clarity are becoming trends that I've been more and more interested in.
and a video of how I feel about this blog, badass.
hope in the eyes of the travelers
Monday, January 19, 2009
Recent Photo Work

Here are a couple of photographs I took over break with my Canon Demi (Half Frame) camera. This is my new favorite camera, I think it records color really beautifully and im loving the grain its giving me. Plus i'm really into tiny prints lately. I think this is the start of what i will be continuing this semester, I am still kind of working it out but let me know what you guys think!
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